Installing the Web Certificate for connection to Hyper-V Virtual Machine

When you connecting to VM via Self-Service Portal you can see message that your credintails did not work.


In this case you need to install sertificate for computer account:

It means you need to add certificate of remote server in your local storage of PC.

Click the buttom "View certificate" and then in tab "Details" export it to file (click "Cope to File"). Then choose file format "DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER).

Installing certificate via Certificates snap-in


  1. Open "CMD" via console and use command "MMC".

  2. Then add "Certificates"

  3. Choose "Cetificates" and pass next steps. Do not forget to choose "Computer account" on the following screen

  4. Choose "Place all certificates in the following store".
  5. Connect to Self-Service Portal.
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